Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Reasons to Adopt Amazing Children

She will be your hairstylist, braiding and brushing and clipping until you're almost in a trance, followed by accessorizing with sparkly butterfly clips.

She will be your stretching exercise coach, rolling out your mat each morning without being asked, and correcting your poses when you get lazy about it.

She will remind you not to multi-task. "Are you playing computer or watching the show?"

She might be willing to feed the dogs.

She knows how to clean dishes, fold laundry and make beds!

If you tell her to clean her room, she will remind you that your room is messier than hers.

She will remind you that both of you are stinkers in need of grace and unconditional love.

She will complain about your busy American schedule, thereby reminding you to slow down.

If you say you're going upstairs to do your work, and she finds you streaming movies instead, she will report this to your spouse. Accountability, folks.

She will remind you to pray and read stories before bedtime.

She will not let you get away with a fashion faux pas.

She will remind you that if YOU lose YOUR patience, everything will fall apart. So stay calm.

She will teach you about her native culture and correct your strange, American habits.

You will notice that her tantrums resemble your tantrums, and that correcting her is kind of hypocritical, so you'll want to pray, "Lord have mercy." And hopefully, both of you will soon have fewer tantrums.

If you're a woman, and you don't cook, she will call you out.

If you're a man, and you're allowing a woman to drive the car, she will call you out.

If your flip-flops come off in the woods and you step on prickly stickers, she will say, "I told you not to take your shoes off. You hurt yourself."

You never want to get too comfortable, folks. 

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