Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Inconvenient Conviction

I came across this passage while reading a certain adventure novel:

"It isn't necessarily easier if you know what it is you're meant to do - but at least you don't waste time in questioning or doubting. If you're honest-well that isn't necessarily easier, either. Though I suppose if you're honest with yourself and know what you are, at least you're less likely to feel that you've wasted your life, doing the wrong thing."

Coming across this passage in a novel recently, I realized that adoption is possibly the only thing I've ever KNOWN I was meant to do. No doubt about it. The conviction struck me long before we were married, and has never wavered much. I have known that I was meant to adopt. God already had T in mind for me, and me for her. I wonder who else God has in mind for me?

"You've known forever who you are. Do you realize at all how unusual it is to know that?
"It's damned inconvenient...
"To have that passion for anything or anyone. That's quite splendid, and quite rare."

And then it hit desire to adopt IS inconvenient. At this point, we are comfortable. We have a happy home. We're settled in with T. I know that bringing another child into our home would rock the boat.

A former pastor of mine often warned against getting comfortable. Being comfortable in life is dangerous. You forget your need for God. You forget your purpose.

Another friend recently reminded me that adoption is threatening to the Enemy, and so there will be obstacles and surface doubts springing up all the time. There isn't enough money or time for a new child. What if he or she causes problems? Wouldn't it be easier to let life go on as it is? Yes, it would be easier, but nothing worth doing is ever easy. I am thankful for the support of our friends and family to get me through those times and remind me of the Truth.

All this to say...the adoption of our next child is very much present in our plans. We've been slow moving. Some doors seem to have been temporarily nailed shut...but it seems little by little, those obstacles are dissipating.

We have had two fundraisers recently, hosted by two friends who are in direct sales like me. They hosted parties with their businesses, Jamberry and Initials, and donated their commission to our church for our adoption fund.

That's all the news I have for now. I haven't even finished the first grant application. When we were preparing to adopt T, I used to wonder why other adoptive parents weren't frantic like me. Now I understand. Every adoption is different. Some are quick. Some are drawn out. The reasons vary. But God knows.