Thursday, May 2, 2013

Why Have Children?

Since Tarana's been home, more and more people have been asking me why we adopted. I get questions like, "what, you couldn't have your own kids?" Hmm...

And I'm not offended, really, ok, maybe a little annoyed by the implications of that question, as if biological children are more valuable and desirable than adopted children, but not offended, no.

So I started thinking about it. These are the questions we had to ask ourselves when we got married and pregnancy became possible. We wanted children. We love children! So how should we proceed? Should we pursue pregnancy right away or wait? Was it too early to pursue our dream of adoption?

If we had chosen to pursue pregnancy, why would that be?

Is it because my biological clock tells me it's about time I get pregnant?
Well, as a matter of fact, my biological clock does try to pull that one on me from time to time, but I just remind it that pregnancy is not the plan for our family.

Do we need to populate the earth?
No, that's already been overdone.

Do we need to produce an heir?
No, we're not royalty, so the inheritance we pass on to our children won't have to be determined by blood relation.

Do we want to carry on the family name?
No, we don't, and even if we did think that a matter of importance, our brothers have already taken care of that for us. Thanks, brothers. :) And...adopted children get to own the family name as equally as biological children, so no. Not an issue.
As Kyle says, adopted children are just as important to the family name as biological children because it's not the 7th century and we're not warring clans between vikings and Anglo-Saxons trying to divide territories based on bloodlines.

Do we need to produce workers to carry on the family business?

Do we want to reproduce to carry on our good genes?
No. I mean, I know what you're thinking. It's a shame not to bless the world by passing on our genetic charm, good looks and superior intelligence, but we're just not into that. Nobody's perfect.

Should we have children because children are a joy and a blessing?
Yes! And guess what? Adopted children are just as much fun as biological children! True story!

As for questions about why we should adopt, well I could go on and on. Do you really want to get me started on that?

I love all of you who have and are choosing to grow your families by birthing babies, but that's just not our calling.

1 comment:

  1. I have never heard someone so exactly explain my feelings on children! I'm only 20, and single, but I share these exact views. The reasons for NOT having biological children are much more numerous than those FOR having them. I love all my bio nieces and nephews, but bio kids just aren't for me. I've never seen someone else who shares the same reasoning on adoption vs bio. Love it. :)
