Sunday, February 3, 2013

legal motivation

Last year on the evening of my birthday, I sat huddled on a couch with several other adoptive moms, oohing and ahhing over referral photos, theirs and ours. We shared Indian food that night, and they gave me an Indian themed birthday cake. It was a very happy gathering.

A year later, God has given us what then seemed to be an impossible amount of money for adoption fees and travel costs.

This year on my birthday, we will be researching to find the best hotels and airline itineraries for our trip. We're really hoping to travel this month!

We really need you to pray. Four weeks ago, we were told that the adoption has been finalized. Estimated wait time from that point was said to be two to four weeks. You can see why we're getting anxious now! We've had no updates in nearly four weeks!

There's no way we can travel this month unless God changes the priorities of the people in charge of preparing needed documents. 

As far as we know, there are officials sitting in offices, choosing not to process our paperwork. We don't know whether to blame excessive work loads or lack of motivation. Either way, I know God can prompt these people to act on our behalf! Please pray for that to happen!

We need someone in the orphanage to complete the "adoption deed" and send it to us so we can send it to the embassy in Delhi. At that point, someone needs to choose to do the work of creating a passport for our daughter. She is legally ours, but we need the legal documents to prove it so we can go get her and bring her home!

Three other adoptive families who joined us in our celebrations last year are also waiting for permission to travel to India to bring their children home. Wouldn't it be amazing if some of us could travel together?!

Thank you for your prayers! Our little girl will be home soon!

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