Saturday, December 17, 2011

"...the Lord will take me in."

"Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will take me in."  - Psalm 27:10

Imagine a child abandoned by her parents, orphaned not because her parents died, but because they decided not to keep her, possibly because she's a girl. Imagine that she's already four years old, and she knows that her family has abandoned her by choice. What will become of her?

Abandoned daughters are very common in India. 

We've seen some photos. There are referrals. But if we choose one of those referrals, if we decide to claim one of these children as our own, we would need to make an initial payment of $7,250, immediately, and we don't have it. Please pray with us that God would provide the funds we need. We trust that God will provide, and we wait eagerly to find out how that will happen! Since our home study is not yet complete, we are not yet eligible to apply for grants, but I am working on getting the applications ready so we can apply as soon as possible.

We are making progress! Kyle got his FBI fingerprints taken, too, and we sent them to the FBI fortress in WV via certified mail early last week. Looking over some of the home study information, we realized we needed ten hours of adoption education in order to be eligible to adopt from a Hague accredited country. The cost for both of us is $195. Kyle worried that we didn't have the money for that, but I reminded him that we have enough in our special adoption donation bank account! It was such a relief to remember that we have already been so blessed with the support of God's people.

So...there is much to be done, and quickly. Please pray with us. 

1 comment:

  1. I know it's not much, but I hope it helps put you on your way! GOOD LUCK! Great work you are doing!
