Last Christmas, everyone was asking when she would be home. In our minds, she was already several months late. We were getting very impatient with India. We would tell people, "maybe next month," and they would say that's what we always said, which was true. Because we never knew.
This Christmas, she's home! Two years after we passed her referral photo around, now she's passing hugs around at family gatherings. She's so affectionate with our extended family, who shower her with generosity and love. She actually feels loved by them, unconditionally, and that's huge for a little girl who has only been home for nine months, who still wonders aloud when we, her new parents, will want to trade her in for another child who is less noisy, more obedient, etc...oh, my dear one.
She loved opening presents and was very excited to watch us open the presents she picked out for us at her school Christmas store.
A few days before Christmas, we were able to leave T with her Nanna and her cousins for two nights. We needed that time of quiet and solitude, out in a yurt in the woods with our dogs and a grill. T needed that time to play with her cousins and be spoiled by her grandmother.
We're so thankful for so many blessings this Christmas.
We wish you the peace and joy of Christ, today and always.