Her closet and drawers are full of clothes ranging from sizes 4T to 8T. So many cute little things, hand-me-downs and gifts from friends. I wonder what size she'll wear? We'll have to take outfits in several sizes to India with us. Surely something will fit her for the journey home.
Finally, I'm allowing myself to touch and sort these things of hers. Family members had to do this for me before, because I wasn't ready. Before we knew the adoption was finalized, I couldn't handle it. Only now that I know she's ours am I ready to to really focus on preparations for her arrival.
So I've been spending a lot of time upstairs. I've strung colorful lights over her window and hung some pictures on the walls. I've got her closet mostly in order, and her dolls and stuffed animals on display. Her bed is made and her clothes are organized and put away.
I expedited our visa applications to the consulate yesterday, so hopefully we will be ready to travel when India calls to say our daughter has her passport!
Now we are discussing travel plans, where to stay, who to hire, what to do with our dogs while we're away. So much to think about!
We are so thankful and so, so, so excited!