Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Super Powers

Sometimes, I wish I were an invincible super hero. But then I know I would spend all my time looking for trouble, so I would forget to live a normal life. I wouldn't have time to raise children or teach children, because I'd be too busy finding and defeating bad guys. Even if I could rescue some children in the process, someone else would have to look after them while I continued using my super powers to rid the world of evil.

Even worse, if I thought I could solve the world's problems all by myself, I would forget about God, and I certainly wouldn't seek a supportive community of friends and neighbors.

So, as much as I'd like to rescue all the children and defeat all the bad guys myself, I can't. I can only pray that God will use His people to carry out His good plans...not that He needs people to accomplish His works. He doesn't need us. We need Him. But wouldn't it be a privilege to be called to participate in God's plan of continually rescuing and redeeming the broken world?

Wouldn't it be lovely to watch the sad things come untrue?

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bringing Home a Five-Year-Old

How many times have I secretly wished to adopt one of my five-year-old students as my own child? As I think about our "Anna," I remember my favorite kindergarten students, the ones who I really wanted to mother. I love that age. I can't wait to have a five-year-old in our house.

We're going to have an art area for her in her bedroom. I wonder if she likes art? Well, she will. I hope. I'm going to set up a canvas and give her a box or drawer full of crayons, markers, oil pastels, watercolors...

And there will be beanbags in her room, and bookshelves full of all the best books. We will read to her constantly...maybe while she paints? Or maybe all curled up at bedtime. Will she want to cuddle with us? Or will she be scared of us?

And she will never go to school hungry or dirty or under-clothed. Her teachers might want to take her home because she's charming and cute, but they will never have to worry about her well-being again.

Already, I'm longing to adopt more than one. Can't they just let us pick up several children while we're there to get Anna? Her name is not really Anna. But we're calling her that. For now. We can't post her real name yet. But we will...oh, we will.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Red Threads

Three families, unknown to each other until now, all military, all believers, living in the same town, choose the same adoption agency in pursuit of adopting a preschooler from the same orphanage in India. Our waiting children could be sleeping in the same room, playing together, sharing meals together.

What are the odds? This is not a coincidence. This is the hand of God. It's what many in the adoption world call "red threads," connections undoubtedly linking us to our child and strengthening our resolve to bring her home.

We am so thankful for these new friends and the community we have found. God is good. He gives us everything we need, sometimes even before we know to ask for it.